Thursday, December 31, 2009

A letter to my love.

I sit here and drown myself in nostalgia
Good times we both had and all the joys we shared
You give me everything I've ever wanted and more and it seems like nothing else matters
Life is more than complete with you and my joy is immeasurable
I fear to love you because the thought of ever having to let go pushes a drill through my chest
But I take the risk... All for you.
And now, I face my biggest fear... Having to watch each passing day and knowing you are very far away
My joy and happiness gradually diminsh and like a burning candle, this light seems to wane.
My heart screams and I search the lonely corridors of my heart for something to hold on to
But it's all to no avail.
My love, My dearest, I'll always cherish you and your aura of goodness stays with me
I know the gravity of my words and I'm not afraid to use them...I love you.

Inspired by Dubem Jideonwo.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


He wandered about the street playing and laughing
A hot summer afternoon with the enegry of the sun so mean
He ran about and screamed for his excitement was immeasurable
His energy was immeasurable as he jumped in and out of the pool
All this uncontrollable play and excitement landed him sick in bed
He lay wit a high temperature and his eyes all swollen and red
His mother came in with medicine to relieve him of his burden
As he sipped the mixture down his throat, he screamed'Oh this is so bitter' for it's depressing taste was so sudden
She spoke back gently telling him how much he knew not much of what he was saying
That taste dwelt in the abode of his mouth till that faithful December morning
When he beheld his mother lie on her bed looking cold, tender and helpless
It was then that he cried for he actually found out the true meaning of bitterness.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The spirit of a child

Give me the spirit of a child, so that I may argue and hold no grudge
So that I may fall in public and have no shame nor get embarassed
That spirit that would make me have nothing to hide nor dodge
So that I may do well and shamelessly scream 'Yes I passed!'

Give me that spirit of a child so that I may fall asleep wherever I please
So that I may humbly take corrections from my parents without getting angered
That spirit of a child, so that I may pray with all reverence whilst on my knees
Without having any feeling of my 'ego' being shattered

Give me the spirit of a child, so that I may run around the streets in my underwear
So that, I may have as much fun as I want to
Without having to worry about my image or any fear
That spirit, that makes me always want to try something new

Give me the spirit of a child so that I may look up yo heaven
Look at it as a place where I would have as much ice cream as my heart desires
So that I may think I'll be able to play as much games as I want even when am seventy seven
And ask as many questions as my brain fires!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Break-up

I wake up in the morning and I see you right by my side and this feeling of satisfactions erupts in me
Without hiding of any feelings, I tell you how much you mean to me
In a bid to strengthen the love, I show you what it means to be loved
I promise to be your shade when the sun scourges and your covering when the rain pours
I give you the assurance that I'll celebrate your successes and we'll both mourn your sorrows
I give you the keys to my heart...A place no one goes
I shed tears so that you may smile and I gladly go through the dirt so that you may be cleaned
You in return, smile back at every gesture and you seal my heart with the assurance of your love
We played, laughed and made every moment special like it would be our last
With my new found hubby, you made my heart throb at your sight
We created a wall round our love so that no one would intrude neither would we be tempted to go out
But as all things have their time and season, love has it's saturation point
The point where those sweet feelings turn sour and it's not a mater of how much you love someone
It becomes a matter of how much you can tolerate the person
We spent the weekend at her house and the door was calling
She answered the door and I heard the words I spoke to her come from the tongue of another man
And my love was a cheat...
As a chameleon changes it's colours and camouflages with it's current environment
She has pretended to be one with me but to my inattentiveness...She belonged to another
Yet! When rain pours onto the earth, there comes the sunshine to dry up what is left
I wait time, to heal this injury that has been inflicted on me...To dry up these tears of hurt
And I may no longer feel the hurt she caused.

The Helping Hand

Have you ever wondered why some have both eyes functioning effectively, while others can not even tell the colour of the shining sun?
Have you ever wondered why some people are lucky to have two legs while some are being pushed in wheelchairs?
Have you ever wondered why some eat to their heart's content and get so plump, while some can not find dustbins from where they would pick their meals from?
Have you even thought of how lucky you are to be reading this, while some are long gone and maggots of the earth consume what remains of their already decayed bodies?
In all our comfort, we forget that amongst us, there are people who do not have half of half of the opportunities we do.
We do not realise how much would die to eat from the scraps that are left on our plates
Seeing people who can afford to go on holidays, and travel round the world and enjoy life to it's fullest and realising that there are people who do not value these things but worry more about what would make them survive till the next day, makes me bitter.
Seeing children who have eaten so much and are very plump and realising that there are also children who are dying of hunger and are just walking skeletons.
It makes me realise how unequal the world is, and how unbalanced the means of survival are distributed.
The life of comfort is a struggle and it is the lazy that suffer and are left behind.
As from this moment, may we all join hands together to fight against the life we don't deserve and the life we would not wish to live.
Let us relieve our fellow man from the burden which he carries by offering a helping hand and make a significant difference in the lives of many.
This journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, but let's make it in the right direction.
Help the way you would like to be helped if you were in that situation...Let's help to wipe the tears that roll out from the eyes of the poor and needy.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My African Woman

The African woman. The one whose boldness can be compared to that of a lion in it's pride
The one who goes through the dirt and dust so that her child may be cleaned. A woman who can be compared to no other as her beauty is inimitable with her ebony black skin as polished as none has ever beheld yet still posessing that smooth texture and her eyes posessing that glorious gleam which has been seen never before. Teeth as white as infant snow on a December morning that brings all man to stop and stare and her swagger is comparable to that of a queen as she carries herself in all majesty. Her soothing voice that brings placidity to a troubled heart, displaying an attitude of generousity to all creation and gives to every being in need with a cheerful heart and even when she has almost nothing, she shares her little. Who would bear the child of man and cater for it with her entire all?... who? If not my African woman!
The one who would shed tears of pain and hurt so that her child may give smiles of joy and exhiliration. The one who would descend to the lowest, just to uplift her own. The one who would rather die that her child may live Oh! what a woman you are...What a woman, My African woman. Yet! the strokes of pain are lashed on you as your betrothed gives no helping hand and your eyes are filled with a stream of tears as you are pushed aside and your efforts go unrewarded. This stream of unending tears flowing down your cheeks as your heart is bittered but your cry can never remain unheard and your plea to the Almighty is acknowledged. No matter what the world sees you as or whatever they treat you to be, you remain my woman, my icon, you remain that one who is like no other...My African woman.

Staying you

Why would you yearn to be famous and when you finally get there, you try your best to hide your identity
You beg to be seen all round the world, but when it all come to you, you run from the flashing lights and the screaming fans
In the airports and public places, you'll wear sunshades and hats to conceal yourself from the world
But didn't you beg to be famous?
Why would you beg to be rich and have all you ever wanted, but when you finally get it, you view it all as meaningless for it would have lost it's value
You craved to drive the biggest and the most expensive cars but you now regret that everybody stares at you wherever you go
In your home, at work and at places of rest, no matter where you are, you find that your wealth can't buy you the happiness you desire and you become full of regret
But didn't you beg to be rich?
Why would you yearn for so much power and authority, but when you finally attain that position, your run away at the negative side that it brings
When you have to makes decisions that might cost you a curse and blame your maker for allowing you be in that position
In times when your power demands you going against the wrong doings of your loved ones, you hurt inside and find yourself in between the devil and the deep blue sea
But did't you want to be powerful, and full of authority?
You tried your possible best to be the most beautiful girl that the world would ever see
You put all the make-up that you can possibly lay your hands on, and plastic surgeries are a daily routine
All in a bid to attain perfection and at the end of the day, you are a cancer patient and all say to yourself is "Only if I knew"
But didn't you want to be beautiful?
No matter what position you find yourself, no matter what state you are in, no matter what financial or social status you find yourself in
Be who you are and be proud of it... You are Unique.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Nigerian Woman

My Nigerian Woman, Who is she? The one that wakes up early in morning to prepare the famous 'akara' for the household. The one that gives warmth when times are nothing but cold. Her father-figure makes men cower in fear and her unprecedented actions are spoken of both far and near. She gives me hope and makes me smile and I cannot live without her, not even for a while. Everyday I bask in the elegance of such a woman, and take heed to her words of wisdom to be the best I can. This woman is not shaken or phased by obstacles coming her way, but inspired and willing to tackle them as long as she has her say. Sometimes I wonder how she came to be, how such a woman can dwell in such an unruly environment and this drove me, empowered me, and strenghtened my intent yet people do not appreciate this Nigerian woman. I watch in heartfelt agony as she is disrespected by her fellow man and I think to myself..'she deserves more than this', But who will listen? when everyone behaves as if nothing is amiss. Sometimes she is beaten and tossed aside! Lost, is all her dignity and pride and when she has no hope, and has no one to talk to, I am there to see her through. 'Stand up!!!', I say unto her, you are a Nigerian woman, a woman of unspeakeable intelligence. You're being bold and strong is of the essence. She then looks unto me and begins to cry and then, I hold her in my arms just like she held me once, and promise her that she would get by. You are very important to me and you mean a lot but most importantly remember who you are and always do what you can just because you are my Nigerian woman.
Written by Tobi Adewuyi

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I look at myself, I am black and when I take a look at you, you are white.I look in the mirror, I am white and when I take a closer look at you, you are black yet you are still who you are and I am who I am. The colour of our skin is nothing but a colour and holds no significance. What makes us who we are, is what we speak, what we stand for...what we believe in. I dream of a day when the sky shall open it's eyes and behold men from all nations interacting together as one... What a united sight it is! In my everyday world, people are denied the opportunities to live freely because of how dark or how light skinned they are.Who has ever imagined all inhabitants of the earth having the same colour of skin...How boring! But the Almighty one...the maker of all things who does all in perfection chose to make us all in different unique ways so why don't we all accept that fact and embrace the love we should be sharing? The answers lie in your hands...Let's help ourselves to change our world.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tribute to Michael Joseph Jackson.

My tribute to michael joseph jackson ...Life is actually more than what we take it to be. Our mission in this world has a deeper meaning than the parties, the girls and all the fun. Life itself has more meaning than we know and yet we take the whole lot for granted. As there is life, so is there death and no man is above the power of death yet we take a lot for granted and push aside those things that really matter. In our comfort and riches, millions are dying right under our noses but we do not give a helping hand. If only we went to the market to see people who bent down to select already used clothes maybe we would appreciate that 'Primark' shirt. If only we saw how children walked to school in their sandals, maybe we would thank our maker for putting us in that' Ugly' Peugeot 504 and If only we had a feel of what it means to wake up to a morning of hunger and sleep to a night of suffering only then would we be happily enjoy that nasty local meal and our fans that bring out dust. Today, I cry for once again that one person who really stood out has been take away. Yet! in my sadness I rejoice, for the true meaning and value of life has been brought to my eyes and I push aside those things that really don't matterI hope to bring to completion, that which Michael Joseph Jackson started years ago And by the grace of the Almighty one, We shall heal the world.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pitiful End

He created the world to be in perfection and h e alone parted the seas from land and brought light into darkness. He moulded the birds that whistle their sweet songs and breathed life into them and after it was all done, he made man...He alone >The Almighty God. As the Yorubas would praise, 'Oyigiyigi fun yin baba! Alagaba ina! Eru jeje to n migbo kiji kiji! Oba mi oba nla eyin ma le logo ju lo'. Yet in all his perfection, we choose to cause ourselves and our fellow men pain. Why would man gain hapiness from seeing his fellow man's downfall? A question that still remains unanswered in my head, for men of this world derive pleasure from killing, stealing and putting bitterness and sorrow in the lives of their victim's family. I have only one consolation...That there is an Almighty judge who sees everything and makes sure the wicked don't go unpunished and I await that day, that what went around would come right back around.
Today in the sands of time would remain a memorable day in the minds of many
Today, a friend was lost to the hands of death
He was beheaded and a dagger was placed in his head by hired assasins
My heart roars for justice and my world thirsts and yearns endlessly for peace
But as I always say in times of trouble and dismay,  these too shall pass away.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Song of sorrow

I wish i could see her again, could look at her and smile again. I wish i could take her by the hand and call her mine but she's been taken by another. My brethren has claimed my right, my heart filled up with pain and hate so tight. They say let something go and if it comes back to you it's truly yours but this boomerang has been gone for too long. I wish I could take away all this pain in an instant but she has wrecked me so bad. A lamb evolving into a bull is a perfect example of what is happenning to me. I vex at the sight of positivity......I enjoy the sound of chaos and destruction but I hope and pray that one day my boomerang shall finally find me. I look my brethren in the eye and ask why? Life isn't fair is what I get! A story which is forbidden , a taboo to humanity,an abomination before the gods, is what i am telling. I am stuck in this dark room with nothing and everyone has deserted me. Friends, family and my love so I resort to my last hope...Sleep. But even sleep is too busy for me and I can only hear the voice of my beating heart crying out for something to hold on to. Yet! there is sadness in happiness, there is noise in silence there is evil in good and there is joy in pain. As much as I suffer I still see grace approaching and in this dark tunnel I can still see a ray of light. In this abyss i'll surely land, In this despair i'll still smile,For the day of my redemption is to come...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Street called Hope

I look into the eyes of many as I walk down this street called suffering and I see so many who live here, who dwell here who were born and destined to live here. All kinds of people with differeent disabilities, ailments, ilnesses and as I walk down I feel cold shivers down my neck. A scary sight it is...My fellow man is subjected to abject poverty...Waking up to a morning of hunger and suffering and going to lay at night with no assurance of awaking the next morning. I walk down this street and feel the pain felt by those who dwell here, those who have no legs, no hands, those who have no eyes, those who have lost their sense of speech, all watch me pass by and hope that I spare some change...some change that can bring silence to the rumbling of their empty stomachs. Even in my humility, not posessing much... I find something to give. As I walk on, a little child runs up to me, gives me a hug and says 'Thank you 'and for the very first time in a long time, an unexplainable warmth of satisfaction burns in me and the yearn to do more develops in me. I reach deeper into my pocket and bring out more alms for the needy...and as I walk down this street, I tend to the needs of the poor and as pouring water on very dry soil, loosens it up and enriches it making it very fine and loosening up tight air spaces...The faces of these people begin to lighten up and frowns are turned upside down...It seemed like light was brought back into their lives. My heart leapt for joy for the satisfaction I got was beyond the words in my head. People who had already signed out of life's account and awaited the day the earth would open up and swallow them, people who thought the word 'hope' meant nothing and resolved there was nothing to live for, people who lived on this street of suffering moved on to the next street.....A Street called 'Hope'

Mother Nature

Mother nature......How kind can you get? The blessings of fresh air in the early mornings. The abundance of vegetation to cure our ailments and to feed the beasts that roam the earth. The radiant sun shining out it's beauty out on us it's subjects. The sky that pours out it's tears on us cleansing us of our dirt. Mother nature all these you favour us with...despite the fact that we degrade your gifts, we choke the sky with our modern technology and push away the white clouds with our dirt and dust all in the name of being comfortable we become selfish......Selfish to the point that we punish ourselves. Degrade our enviroment......Your gift to us; you bless us with the earth upon which we roam......fertile soil upon which we cultivate our means of survival all these at no cost,no fare..............Oh Mother Nature! My love for you is as vast as the rain of snow and my thanks to you shall continually flow. The cool wind in the evenings to relax our tired minds after a hard day's work and to loosen tangled up nerves. Wind which brings uplifment of our souls and retires all forms of distress from our minds and as the evening expires, the birds in the sky fill up our drained minds with their soothing hum and like a drop of water on a cube of ice, our sorrows and fears gradually dissolve. The inevitable beauty of the night...Like a white stain on a black cloth, it'salmost impossible to be ignored; The stars fill up the sky with unexplainable magnificence and we feel safe as we are sheltered by such a covering, and as the night coughs out more of it's darkness, all living creation takes a rest to re-energise for the next day.The deafening silence of the midnight makes me tremble and I fear for my being. I lay on my bed filled with fear but the chirping sound of the crickets gives me the assurance that I'm not alone and as I close my eyes, I dream of a beautiful world...a world beyond human understanding. I dream of high mountains and beautiful birds whose whistling travels across the earth......I dream of a bright sky...a sky that pours out it's tears on all that dwell beneath it and afterwards comes the sun to dry up entities that choke usI dream of beasts of all kinds cheerfully interacting with man on the face of the earth...Offsprings of men venturing into the holes of snakes and scorpions and no harm befalls them....A united scene it is! I awake to the crowing of the cock in the early morn and as I step out of my abode, I inhale the freshness of the early morning air. My eyes widen as I feel the energy of nature's goodness rush into me and once again, you have given me the fulfillment I need to carry me through the day....Oh Mother Nature!

The African Promise

I look around my people and see tears streaming down the eyes of many. I look at the African child and though there may be external smiles... I see a more deep feeling inside; I turn my head in another direction and I see refugees...I see those who hunger and thirst I see my fellow men who have nothing to eat neither drink...Engulfed completely by poverty! My heart is pained and my strength begins to fail me. I feel the pain of those who beg on the streets and yet, get nothing to go home with....I feel the pain of those who get treated unjustly, those who get punished for crimes they didn't commit, those who seem to have what it takes to be there yet do not have that one person or that one thing to turn things around. Those who cry day after day and night after night those who feel they have no reason to live, no reason to live life to the fullest. Those who have never heard the true sound of laughter nor really felt the aura of joy, those who have lost hope in 'HOPE'. People who have lost everything that ever mattered to them...those who have been drained from within........I feel their pain. I look at myself and right beside me is my fellow man begging for alms under the sun; Suddenly, all my wealth,my achievements,my successes disgust me...and all I own loses it's value for I actually own nothing. I vow to all who get bruised by harsh actions,injustice,poverty,diseases......Till I can no longer think for myself, I'll keep turning the steering wheel right round...And I can't do it on my own... Almighty one, be infront of me to lead me behind me to guide me, beside me to accompany me, and within me to fill me with what I need to carry on.