Thursday, July 2, 2009

Song of sorrow

I wish i could see her again, could look at her and smile again. I wish i could take her by the hand and call her mine but she's been taken by another. My brethren has claimed my right, my heart filled up with pain and hate so tight. They say let something go and if it comes back to you it's truly yours but this boomerang has been gone for too long. I wish I could take away all this pain in an instant but she has wrecked me so bad. A lamb evolving into a bull is a perfect example of what is happenning to me. I vex at the sight of positivity......I enjoy the sound of chaos and destruction but I hope and pray that one day my boomerang shall finally find me. I look my brethren in the eye and ask why? Life isn't fair is what I get! A story which is forbidden , a taboo to humanity,an abomination before the gods, is what i am telling. I am stuck in this dark room with nothing and everyone has deserted me. Friends, family and my love so I resort to my last hope...Sleep. But even sleep is too busy for me and I can only hear the voice of my beating heart crying out for something to hold on to. Yet! there is sadness in happiness, there is noise in silence there is evil in good and there is joy in pain. As much as I suffer I still see grace approaching and in this dark tunnel I can still see a ray of light. In this abyss i'll surely land, In this despair i'll still smile,For the day of my redemption is to come...


  1. I like it. v good,especially your pattern near the end, 'there is noise in silence,evil in good...'

  2. U put d CHEESE in CHEEZY
    Its deep, sunds lyk a tru story
    if u no wat i min LOl!!

  3. wow....on a more serious note, i would like to contradict doosh and say that this puts the REAL in REAL GOOD!!! reli luvin this Deji. Great Work.

  4. lhuv ur stuff deji......
    ditto @ cindy n doosh...
