Sunday, August 9, 2009

My African Woman

The African woman. The one whose boldness can be compared to that of a lion in it's pride
The one who goes through the dirt and dust so that her child may be cleaned. A woman who can be compared to no other as her beauty is inimitable with her ebony black skin as polished as none has ever beheld yet still posessing that smooth texture and her eyes posessing that glorious gleam which has been seen never before. Teeth as white as infant snow on a December morning that brings all man to stop and stare and her swagger is comparable to that of a queen as she carries herself in all majesty. Her soothing voice that brings placidity to a troubled heart, displaying an attitude of generousity to all creation and gives to every being in need with a cheerful heart and even when she has almost nothing, she shares her little. Who would bear the child of man and cater for it with her entire all?... who? If not my African woman!
The one who would shed tears of pain and hurt so that her child may give smiles of joy and exhiliration. The one who would descend to the lowest, just to uplift her own. The one who would rather die that her child may live Oh! what a woman you are...What a woman, My African woman. Yet! the strokes of pain are lashed on you as your betrothed gives no helping hand and your eyes are filled with a stream of tears as you are pushed aside and your efforts go unrewarded. This stream of unending tears flowing down your cheeks as your heart is bittered but your cry can never remain unheard and your plea to the Almighty is acknowledged. No matter what the world sees you as or whatever they treat you to be, you remain my woman, my icon, you remain that one who is like no other...My African woman.

Staying you

Why would you yearn to be famous and when you finally get there, you try your best to hide your identity
You beg to be seen all round the world, but when it all come to you, you run from the flashing lights and the screaming fans
In the airports and public places, you'll wear sunshades and hats to conceal yourself from the world
But didn't you beg to be famous?
Why would you beg to be rich and have all you ever wanted, but when you finally get it, you view it all as meaningless for it would have lost it's value
You craved to drive the biggest and the most expensive cars but you now regret that everybody stares at you wherever you go
In your home, at work and at places of rest, no matter where you are, you find that your wealth can't buy you the happiness you desire and you become full of regret
But didn't you beg to be rich?
Why would you yearn for so much power and authority, but when you finally attain that position, your run away at the negative side that it brings
When you have to makes decisions that might cost you a curse and blame your maker for allowing you be in that position
In times when your power demands you going against the wrong doings of your loved ones, you hurt inside and find yourself in between the devil and the deep blue sea
But did't you want to be powerful, and full of authority?
You tried your possible best to be the most beautiful girl that the world would ever see
You put all the make-up that you can possibly lay your hands on, and plastic surgeries are a daily routine
All in a bid to attain perfection and at the end of the day, you are a cancer patient and all say to yourself is "Only if I knew"
But didn't you want to be beautiful?
No matter what position you find yourself, no matter what state you are in, no matter what financial or social status you find yourself in
Be who you are and be proud of it... You are Unique.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Nigerian Woman

My Nigerian Woman, Who is she? The one that wakes up early in morning to prepare the famous 'akara' for the household. The one that gives warmth when times are nothing but cold. Her father-figure makes men cower in fear and her unprecedented actions are spoken of both far and near. She gives me hope and makes me smile and I cannot live without her, not even for a while. Everyday I bask in the elegance of such a woman, and take heed to her words of wisdom to be the best I can. This woman is not shaken or phased by obstacles coming her way, but inspired and willing to tackle them as long as she has her say. Sometimes I wonder how she came to be, how such a woman can dwell in such an unruly environment and this drove me, empowered me, and strenghtened my intent yet people do not appreciate this Nigerian woman. I watch in heartfelt agony as she is disrespected by her fellow man and I think to myself..'she deserves more than this', But who will listen? when everyone behaves as if nothing is amiss. Sometimes she is beaten and tossed aside! Lost, is all her dignity and pride and when she has no hope, and has no one to talk to, I am there to see her through. 'Stand up!!!', I say unto her, you are a Nigerian woman, a woman of unspeakeable intelligence. You're being bold and strong is of the essence. She then looks unto me and begins to cry and then, I hold her in my arms just like she held me once, and promise her that she would get by. You are very important to me and you mean a lot but most importantly remember who you are and always do what you can just because you are my Nigerian woman.
Written by Tobi Adewuyi